It was a month away from his 18th birthday, and he somehow looked both much older and much younger than his age. He was only just 5’1’’ and 100 lb. He might have been attractive, if his gaunt, sunken eyes weren’t forever on the edge of terror. People to him, were just hungry beasts waiting for any excuse to kill whatever got in the way of their pleasure.
He still lived in the same trailer in the plains of Eastern Colorado. “Home-schooled” is what his mother had told the government that was usually too busy with smearing the opposition to actually do any governing at all. Somehow, he’d taught himself to read in the times his mother had abandoned him there for weeks or months at a time. He enjoyed the solitude of those times, at least whenever she actually left enough canned beans and ramen for him to eat at least once a day. Those were the good times: no making drug runs right in front of police who never thought to search a child’s backpack; no handsy boyfriends of his mother who were only heterosexual until his mother passed out.
Thankfully, he was an only child. At times he could barely scavenge enough to feed himself, or barely find the space to hide himself from the dangerous people his mother called friends. Now, he was planning the escape that hopefully would be his last one. He didn’t think he could survive one more beating from his mother, or her drug dealer, or her pimp.
After a particularly heavy bender, she passed out into what he knew would be at least a 12 hour sleep and probably closer to a 20 hour. So, he stole the little money she thought was hidden and hiked the 5 miles to the bus stop. The streets of Denver would be a hell of a lot easier than living with people who only knew how to exploit and abuse.
He arrived there mid April. The weather was warming and being homeless in the summer was nothing compared to being homeless in the winter. He’d still sleep most of the day and keep moving most of the night. But there was a difference between comfortably scavenging and running just so you wouldn’t freeze.
His first hot meal at Denver Rescue Mission was both where he heard about Jackalope Ranch and where he first met Keith.
“Will you be going to the Beltane celebration down on Jackalope?” An old woman asked an old man who was eating on the table next to where Lance ate.
“Fuck no! No amount of free food and booze would get me down to that commune of faggots!”
“Do they allow booze there?”
“I don’t know what they allow besides men acting like fairies. It’s not right and it’s not natural!”
“What has acting naturally ever gotten us besides debt and poverty?!”
It seemed it was a place the woman wanted to go, but somehow her partner thought whatever free accommodations that were there were not worth facing blatant faggotry. The only gay activity Lance had had was always hidden with abusive and violent secrecy. He didn’t know what he was, but he knew he wasn’t straight. A strange jealousy overtook him when he saw fancy gay couples walking their fancy gay dogs in the streets of Denver; it was their love that he wanted a lot more than their wealth.
Leaving the homeless shelter, he searched the crowd for the gayest looking man, and saw a middle aged man holding an ancient looking Chihuahua; the dog had a rainbow bandana tied around its neck.
“Excuse me, sir” Lance said in a timid voice.
He seemed a bit crazy but harmless enough. So Lance continued, “I was wondering if you knew anything about Jackalope Ranch?..”
“Jackalope?! Are you going there for Beltane? Do you need a ride?”
He was taken aback. He’d go almost anywhere if the ride was free but he also wanted to know what would be expected of him after he got there. Cautiously, he continued, “I was thinking I might go there. But just wanted to know if everything there was free or what it would cost a person like me who’s broke.”
“My dear boy! You come with me! Everything will be free once you get there and I’ll take care of you until you arrive. How old are you?”
“I’m 18” Lance lied.
“Everything really would be free for you both for the festival and for after that; assuming you’ve got a cock! I’m a trans man so I’m only allowed there during the festivals.”
Again Lance was shocked. Everything about this man screamed MAN, right down to the thick brown beard. They fell into step walking together back to Keith’s apartment. Keith wasn’t much taller than Lance but he was much heavier - somewhere between chubby and fat.
“Jackalope Ranch was the first of its kind,” Keith explained. “It’s an open surveillance animal farm that advocates every animal farm should be open surveillance - cameras everywhere where anyone can watch online for free. How Jackalope does it is anyone can watch for free but you’ve got to subscribe for audio. Then they throw sober music festivals 8 times a year to celebrate the wheel of the year. This next one will be April 30th to May 2nd to celebrate Beltane; technically it’s sunrise April 30th to sunset May 2nd. There’s live music on May 1st from noon to midnight then they allow people all the next day to pack up and leave.”
“Why do you say I’ll be able to stay for free because I have a cock?”
“Only the festivals are any-gender-allowed. Besides that it’s only a space for cis men, their rabbit proof greenhouses, and the rabbits that roam free everywhere between them. They do a lot of digital marketing for anyone who wants to buy a pet rabbit online, then they turn the excess rabbits into rabbit stew that they also sell online. Most of the permanent residents there are vegetarian or even vegan besides just eating that stew. I keep asking if I can stay and keep getting, ‘your hormonal medicine is not part of the group medication’! It’s a beautiful sober space for sober men but they’re also a bunch of self-righteous cunts who think raw-dogging reality makes them entitled to transphobia.”
“Why do you go then?” Lance was on edge and suddenly didn’t know if it was safe to go anywhere with Keith.
Keith’s anger passed and he relaxed into a toothy grin, “Most gay men aren’t sober and there’s not a better free music festival in the world. And there’s hardly any sober music festivals!”
Sober… it had barely been two weeks that Lance was sober and he didn’t even dare to hope it was the first two weeks of the rest of his life. Everywhere in his life was conditional help and usually the conditions included drug use.
“Here we are!” Keith said as they arrived at an old apartment building. “It’s just a one bedroom but I do have a couch you can sleep on.”
Over the next few days, Lance grew to really like Keith and his old dog, Buster. They shared some really good meals and Lance got used to sleeping at night on the comfortable couch. Sometimes he’d still wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, but the small, cozy apartment was just as it had been: safe and warm. Keith was very strange and moody but not at all creepy or touchy. It was great to be able to talk to someone without fear that their hands didn’t respect boundaries.
The evening of April 29th Keith told him he had a surprise for him. “Now, soon you’ll see where this is made but before we leave tonight around midnight… Let’s have some potato-rabbit stew!” He pulled out a large glass jar out the cabinet that had an interesting label with the head of a Jackalope - a rabbit with the horns of a pronghorn deer. “Put that in a pot and stir slowly as it heats. I’ll slice up some of the bread I made yesterday.”
They sat down to dinner and Lance had never in all his life had a better stew. Thick, creamy potato broth that had large chunks of rabbit, leeks, celery, and scallions; it was somehow seasoned with everything it should be seasoned with. “Oh my god… this is good.” The fresh bread was the perfect side.
“Isn’t it?! They make several different types of stew but the potato base is my favorite!”
Just after dinner they went to visit a neighbor who cared for Buster while Keith was away. Then Keith took a short nap while Lance stayed up just cleaning and pacing. He was too excited to sleep.
They left just after midnight that night in Keith’s old, blue Tacoma. The truck bed piled high with everything they’d need, including an extra tent for Lance to have his own. It was a 9 hour drive to the Zuni mountains of New Mexico and Keith wanted to arrive just after daybreak.
As they rode south to Albuquerque then West into the mountains, the scenery got more and more majestic. There were great plateaus and dusty sage brush scattered between red-orange dirt. As they climbed into the Zuni mountains, there were forests of Ponderosa pines, mixed with Junipers and Pinyons.
Just coming down the mountains on the west side, the trees grew more sparse and they came to the signs pointing to Jackalope Ranch. Soon, they came to a tall fence that stretched out of sight in both directions and had the same strange crest as the jar on the gate. The gate and fence came out about 20 yards before a second gate opened to the property.
“Why’s there two gates?” Lance asked
“To keep the rabbits from escaping every time the gate is opened.” Keith replied.
“Where are the rabbits?”
“Oh, they’re all over but they usually stay close to where they’re fed. It’s about a 3500 acre property.”
“How many rabbits are there?!” Lance was getting excited.
“Let’s ask Karl. Looks like he’s working the gate today.. Hello! Karl!”
“Welcome back, Keith!” Said a handsome man with a friendly smile. “Who’s this you’ve got with you?”
“This is my friend Lance. He wants to know how many rabbits you keep here.”
“Welcome Lance. It’s usually about two million, but it depends on the day. Are you 18 or older?”
“Yes, sir. I’m 18.” Lance felt bad for lying but there was no going back now. It would be true in less than three weeks!
“Perfect. Just sign this liability waiver,” Karl passed him a paper on a clipboard. “It basically says you accept responsibility for your own safety.”
“Could I not do that if I was 17?” Lance meant it to come off as a joke but Karl was not amused.
“Not according to the state of New Mexico you couldn’t.” But his seriousness passed and he smiled again when Lance handed him back the signed paper.
“What should I sign?” Keith teased
“Oh, we’ve got all your signatures on file, Keith!”
“When are you going to let me stay here as a resident?!”
“Come on Keith, if it was up to me I would, but it’s not my decision.”
“Yea, yea, yea! Alright, see you inside.” They drove into the enclosure. The first gate closed behind them, and the second one opened for them to drive on through.
They drove slowly as they got closer to the compound. The closer they got, the more rabbits appeared. They were huge! Almost twice as big as Buster. Most ran out of the way of the car but some had to be honked at before they slowly walked to the side. They pulled into the parking lot that was already beginning to fill.
People of almost all ages, shapes, sizes, and colors were pulling camping equipment out of vehicles and beginning to hike to find a camp spot. It was amazing what people showed up in the middle of nowhere when the only requirements were to find your own ride and bring your own tent.
“The most important rule,” Keith said, “is no violence on the land.” They slowly pulled into a parking spot. “Now, it’s not violent to assume someone’s gender, but it is violent to intentionally misgender a person after they’ve corrected you.” They parked and got out to get the tents that were neatly packed in last to be pulled first. The slightly older, shabbier tent that Keith was lending to Lance was still one of the best tents he’d ever seen. It would be different, to camp so intentionally where people actually wanted him to camp.
“This way to some good spots! Unless you want some time apart and find a spot away from me?..”
“Oh, we’ll have enough time apart I’m sure! I’d still like to camp next to your campsite if that’s ok,” Lance replied with a smile.
“You’re welcome to, of course. I’ll mainly be hanging out but possibly might be cruising for sex! Haha, don’t come a’knockin if the tent’s a’rockin! Ha, it sometimes seems these festivals are just bi cis men hooking up with bi cis women, but there’s sometimes I meet people here more interesting than that.”
They walked the trail to the campsites and walked between some really beautiful buildings. There were 3 or 4 story greenhouses that Keith told Lance sometimes went just as deep or deeper underground as they were tall. An absolutely beautiful public kitchen had a large cistern next to it that two different wells pumped water into. There was a bathouse with many outdoor showers on the outside of a building that also had indoor showers, saunas, and a large indoor pool. And then many one-room tiny homes that were the private residents of the long term residents.
After they set up their tents and got most of their things to the campsite, “Go!” Keith said to Lance with a shooing motion that was gruff but kind, “Go and explore! I know you want to.”
He thanked Keith another time for the ride, then pretty much ran to the pool. The only primitive thing about the place were the long drop outhouses that were everywhere just close enough to be convenient but not too close to anything. Besides that there were solar panels on every roof and electrical outlets outside every public building. The greenhouses had walls of tempered glass; some had glass roofs; others had solar panel roofs and the glow of UV lights from within.
The pool was under a rainbow of stained glass that featured allsorts of ocean and merfolk murals. It was only after he got there that he remembered he had no swimsuit and no towel. That’s when he bumped into a tall, well-hung black man in his early 20’s. Lance knew the man was well-hung because the man was gloriously naked.
“Oh! Excuse me!” Lance was trying not to stare and the largest penis he’d ever seen in real life.
“Oh that’s! OK.” He reached out a hand for a handshake. “I’m Dallas. What’s your name?”
“Lance” Rabbits playfully hopped around their feet, but Lance couldn’t move. He felt like a rabbit in headlights.
“You coming for a swim? You know it’s clothing-optional, right?”
Lance left his shabby clothes in one of the lockers and had an amazing swim with Dallas and Dallas’ friends. All of them were naked, inviting, and kind. For the first time in his life he wasn’t insecure about either his looks or his poverty. It felt great to be with people who actually saw him as a person and not just something to use or someone to step over.
It was a beautifully warm day and they all went for a walk after. Dallas pointed out large metal eagles and owls in the trees that were both cameras and scarecrows for the real birds of prey. There was also the occasional robot rabbit that hopped among the real rabbits. The online viewer had all different sorts of packages they could purchase; the most expensive included the mobility and private camera of a robot rabbit.
Lance couldn’t be bothered with the cameras at all. He didn’t care at all who looked so long as he got a say in who touched; he’d always been that way. He didn’t feel like he was much to look at and wasn’t really listening when Dallas was explaining the different payment packages for the performers of sex shows. His tent and the outhouses were private, and that was good enough for him.
That evening before the evening meal, everyone on the land had a wonderful heart circle where everyone held hands in a circle as each person introduced their name and pronouns. The occasional person followed their name with, “He, She, They” and that’s what Lance did too when it was his turn. He definitely was a “He” but also definitely didn’t want to be just a “He.” All day long he’d been wondering if it would be physically possible to bottom for Dallas or if the mechanics of it might actually wreck him.
Turns out he set up his tent for nothing. He ended up sleeping dormitory style in one of the old greenhouses that had been converted to a dormitory for prospective residents. A person needed either all five Elder’s approval or the approval of at least 97% of residents to join. There wasn’t a man wearing the crest who Lance didn’t absolutely adore; already he was seeing himself being an active part of this community that was actively thankful for his help.
He was up at dawn the next day and went straight to kitchen duty meal prep, then to helping serve the disabled, then to helping with the clean up after. He wanted to go straight from kitchen duty to helping direct traffic of people still arriving, but the Kitchen Top told the Traffic Top to bugger off, “I’m reserving him to help with dinner tonight, and part of the deal is I want him to relax and enjoy himself until then!”
He explored every single greenhouse, and talked with every single greenhouse guard who kept the people moving through and kept the rabbits out. People were responsible for their own lunches, and it really touched Lance how many were willing to share with him. But of course, he went back to the campsite to have lunch with Keith.
He got there to find Keith had already laid out a spread he was sharing with an older gay couple and another middle aged man. “Hey! How’s it goin?!”
“Good thanks,” Lance said as he sat down.
“I saw you’re already sleeping in a new residents dorm! Good for you! Do you mind if George here takes your tent,” Keith said, gesturing to the middle aged man, “Of course, he’s unprepared as always.”
“Don’t shame me for living in the moment!” George said, gruffed, but not offended.
“Then don’t be a burden for those who can do that and can plan!” Keith responded, equally gruff. Then both laughed, and George thanked Keith and Lance for the tent.
They’d hardly finished lunch when the first band took the stage. Lance said hurried goodbyes and ran to the front row of the outdoor amphitheater that was between the kitchen and a row of greenhouses. The first band was bluegrass country and Lance danced like no one was watching. The country was followed by jazz that made way to pop that made way to punk. Lance tore himself away from the dancefloor to help with dinner prep; to be back to work right when he said he would. There was a rice-base stew, and a rabbit curry, and fluffy rice, and fresh salad, and fruit salad. All of it was served buffet style at the back of the kitchen. Along with all sorts of tea and lemonades.
As Lance helped finish up dishes, a large blond man came to drop off a dish much too late to be washed in the after dinner cycle. Lance noticed immediately that the man was holding a bible like he was holding a weapon.
“Are you enjoying the show?” Lance asked suspiciously.
“It’s OK, but it’s not what I’m here for.”
“What’re you here for?”
“I’m here to save souls. I’m a warrior of God.”
There went Lance’s good time. Instead of going back to show he now felt obligated to keep a personal watch on this fucking creep. Lance rarely knew what he was feeling, but he knew better than most what others were feeling. Keith’s anger came in flashes, similar to his mother’s, but didn’t last as long and always without any of her malicious spite. This blond guy didn’t seem angry at all but seemed to be nothing but cold, hard, malicious spite.
So Lance kept his distance; pretended to be busy with other things, but always kept watch on the blond stranger. The man mostly just sat at the very back of the outdoor amphitheater and read his bible by the light of an electric lantern. But he didn’t get up and disperse like most did shortly after midnight when the show ended. It was 2am and the creep was still reading his fucking bible. Lance kept a discreet watch, sitting just inside the kitchen in an area that had a window view of the man.
About a quarter after 2, the man got up and made his way to the camp grounds. Lance followed, stealthy as a shadow. Always behind a tree that was just off trail and just out of sight. The man rummaged around in what appeared to be his tent, then made his way back to the kitchen building. Lance followed and picked up a throwing size rock and a bat sized stick along the way. The stranger didn’t go to the kitchen entrance but made his way to the cistern that was behind the building. He got on a step ladder and began undoing the top cap. That was enough for Lance. Whatever he was going to put in the drinking water probably wasn’t a Bible but probably was something hateful he thought the book justified.
“Hey! Get down from there!” Lance stepped into the light of one of the fairy lights that marked a trail. The man just tried to take off the cap faster and that was it. Lance threw the rock at the man's head and hit the mark.
“Hey! What the Gosh Darn Heck!” He got off the step ladder and began to walk towards Lance. The man was much bigger, but Lance was much meaner. Lance ran towards him, stick-bat in both hands. Before the brute knew what hit him, Lance landed a powerful hit on the man’s knee cap that sent the leg bending the wrong way with a loud CRACK.
“YEEEEEHEEEEEEEHHHHHHH!!” The man screamed bloody murder and lots of lights came on and there was the sound of feet rushing towards him.
The blond stranger was flailing on the ground and a large plastic bottle came out of his jacket pocket.
“What the hell is going on here?” demanded an old man wearing a headband with pronghorn antlers to indicate he was an Elder.
“He was trying to empty that bottle into the cistern!” Lance pointed the stick that he still held like a weapon at the bottle.
“LEVITICUS 18:22! WHAT YOURE DOING HERE IS AN ABOMINATION!!” The man cried from the ground, but didn’t try to hide the bottle.
The Elder picked up the bottle and read the label, “Arsenic!.. Fuck you and your false god if you think love is more of an abomination than murdering an entire community! Karl! Jonathan! Tie up this man and contact the police. Tell them to bring an ambulance.”
This community really did have everything. Lance watched Karl cuff the man, put him on a stretcher, and lift him with his partner to take him to a detention facility to wait for the police to pick him up. Most of the crowd that gathered followed the stretcher with the criminal, but some stayed behind, including Lance and the Elder.
Now that the danger was over, all of Lance’s strength left him. He threw down the stick and started to cry. Pretty much the only rule besides sobriety was “no violence on the land,” and Lance had broken it on his second night.
“It’s ok.. It’s ok..” the Elder put a comforting arm around Lance’s shoulders, “you definitely saved some lives tonight and might have just saved us all.”
Lance kept crying as he hugged the comforting old man. Then he pulled back and unburdened himself further, “I’m not 18!.. I lied and I’m sorry! I’m only 18 in another 15 days!” He sobbed more violently than ever.
The old man had a long white beard and long, thick white hair that was braided to support the headdress that had a crown of antlers and elaborate glass beads hanging from it. His eyes were nothing but compassion and kindness.
“It’s ok.. You had a shock, but you’re still a hero here. And two weeks! Two weeks is nothing! It would take foster care longer than that to even think about filing paperwork. We just have to keep you clothed and off camera until then. A tiny home just became empty and I’m saying it’s yours at least until your birthday,” the Elder wiped tears off Lance’s face, “we have to wait until the next festival to vote, but I’m thinking it could very well be yours for as long as you want it.”